Thick and Tired

Over the summer, my life unexpectedly upheaved. (I know the syntax is incorrect. Poetic license.) The pain of events has diminished, but still lurks and pesters and sneaks up behind me and taunts and is generally very mean. I have progressed, however, from not being able to eat much at all, to apparently attempting to bury alive my sorrow with dairy products. I mean, really. Butter? Awesome stuff. I’ve been allowing myself to eat as much as I want of whatever makes me feel good.

But I don’t feel good. I’m bloated. My pants don’t fit. My lower back is starting to hurt. And I feel, generally, like poo.

I know that the “holiday” season isn’t yet over. I know that resolutions typically start on January 1st. But I’m sick and tired of feeling thick and tired. So I started today. I won’t be doing anything crazy, no cabbage-juice-and-bird-nest diets, but I am very much looking forward to being more conscious of what I eat, what I drink, and to feeling better. And to once again fitting into that spectacular dress that I bought just in case I go to Viva14.

Here’s to good health.


EDITOR’S NOTE: Some very dear friends in Chicago sent me a gorgeous and meaningful teapot (see above) for Christmas. It will make the whole drinking-plenty-of-fluids thing that much more graceful, and will continue to remind me how lucky I am to know such cool people.

4 Replies to “Thick and Tired”

  1. I’m glad you’re getting to be in a better place, Wink… I’m two years in on that exact movement of mind muck and I’m sick of being thick and tired too. Let us encourage each other 😀


    1. Adri, I know I’ve mentioned it before and I hope I don’t sound like I’m harping on it, but you truly are in the upper echelon of people who showed me a way out of the abyss. It would be my honor (and the fruits of your own labor) to be able to offer you similar encouragement.


  2. I’m happy to hear you’re finding your way up from the dregs. I have spent so much time there it’s pathetic. Things to remember: you are fabulous, smart, talented, beautiful and most of all worthy of love. Especially from yourself. Happy New Year!!


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